+27 (47) 542 3700


Private Bag X 1008, 5170 Tsolo, South Africa

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Various services and educational programs provided by Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute.

Diploma in Animal Health

TARDI offers a diploma program in Animal Health. This program aims to provide students with practical education through hands-on exposure, with a goal of achieving 70% hands-on experience.

Shorter Programs

In addition to the diploma program, TARDI offers shorter programs in various subjects such as agriculture management, sewing, bakery, and confectionery.

Extension Services

TARDI provides extension services, including animal health services and agricultural production services, to the community. This suggests that the institution is actively involved in sharing its expertise with the broader community.

Small-Scale Agricultural Activities

TARDI is engaged in small-scale agricultural activities, including Nguni and dairy cattle farming, poultry farming, sheep farming, horticulture (including hydroponics), aquaculture, and agro-processing. These activities serve educational purposes, with students from other institutions undertaking internships on these facilities. Additionally, the local communities receive practical instruction through these agricultural facilities and activities.

Community Engagement Projects

The institute is involved in community engagement projects, aiming to contribute to the development and education of the local community.

Cultural and Sporting Achievements

TARDI celebrates the cultural and sporting achievements of both students and staff, promoting a holistic educational experience that goes beyond academics.

Extracurricular Activities

Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as Netball, Soccer, Rugby, Volleyball, Drama, and Choral music to enhance their overall educational experience.

Affiliation with the Eastern Cape Government

TARDI operates under the auspices of the Eastern Cape government through the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR).